Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 3: Even better today

Well, I have worked really hard at controlling what I eat today. I started off with a bowl of raisin bran. For lunch I had a turkey subway sandwich with vinegar instead of mayo and mustard. I did have a chocolate chip cookie though. For dinner I had the rest of my sandwich and 1/2 a cupcake. I also had a milkyway mini candy bar.

Tomorrow, I will eat better, cut out even more sugar and drink at least 4 glasses of water. I will work my way up to where I should be. I think going at it full force will set me up for failure, so I will try this route and see how things end up.

I didn't work out as I had a full schedule all day between events at the preschool for my daughter, teaching classes and other meetings. Tomorrow is nearly as busy, but my evening class was canceled so I will do my best to work out tomorrow night if nothing else.

I did get on the scale this morning curious to see what my weight was. I was saddened to see that it was 189. That is a horrifying number to me. I do NOT want to hit 190. Actually, last night I weighed after my workout and it was 191. I always weigh about 2 pounds more at night than I do in the day. I can't wait until I can weigh myself at night and have it be in the 150's. That will be a glorious day in deed. What would be even better is when I weigh in the 150's while fully clothed. :)

Good night.

1 comment:

  1. Not very far away. 150's is really not that far away. You'll do it!
