Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Today wasn't so good

Well, I did horribly today, both in the eating and working out departments. I have absolutely no excuse for why I did so poorly, but I did. I started out well, but again, in the afternoon, I totally lost it.

For breakfast I had a bowl of raisin bran. Then for lunch I had Wendy's with my little girl. Instead of telling them that I wanted a salad, I just let them give me fries. I didn't finish them all as they were way too salty. Then it just went down hill from there. The Wendy's I went to was having their anniversary and gave everyone a frosty. I should have said, "no, thank you." But I didn't. But I also didn't finish it either. I have had 2 milkyway mini chocolate bars and 3 mini hershey's chocolate bars. I don't even care for them, but ate them anyway.

Dinner wasn't horrible. We made a chicken broccoli noodle dish. But it did have a can of cream of mushroom soup.

Exercise, consisted of 30 minutes playing on the wii fit.

Tomorrow is going to be a better day!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 3: Even better today

Well, I have worked really hard at controlling what I eat today. I started off with a bowl of raisin bran. For lunch I had a turkey subway sandwich with vinegar instead of mayo and mustard. I did have a chocolate chip cookie though. For dinner I had the rest of my sandwich and 1/2 a cupcake. I also had a milkyway mini candy bar.

Tomorrow, I will eat better, cut out even more sugar and drink at least 4 glasses of water. I will work my way up to where I should be. I think going at it full force will set me up for failure, so I will try this route and see how things end up.

I didn't work out as I had a full schedule all day between events at the preschool for my daughter, teaching classes and other meetings. Tomorrow is nearly as busy, but my evening class was canceled so I will do my best to work out tomorrow night if nothing else.

I did get on the scale this morning curious to see what my weight was. I was saddened to see that it was 189. That is a horrifying number to me. I do NOT want to hit 190. Actually, last night I weighed after my workout and it was 191. I always weigh about 2 pounds more at night than I do in the day. I can't wait until I can weigh myself at night and have it be in the 150's. That will be a glorious day in deed. What would be even better is when I weigh in the 150's while fully clothed. :)

Good night.

Monday, November 9, 2009

It was an okay day

So I was much busier than I thought I would be today. I didn't do horribly, but I didn't do great either. I did succumb to the stupid cupcakes. DANG IT! I had a piece of licorice as well, but only one. Other than that I had the omelet for breakfast, a ham sandwich for lunch and a chef salad for dinner.

I worked out on my wiiFit for about an hour today and then I did 30 minutes of cardio this evening while my kids were in Swim lessons. It wasn't the best workout, but still a workout.

It is interesting how difficult a time I have with my will power in the evening. I don't think I ever realized that it was this difficult before. I can be good all morning long and then in the mid to late afternoon I have MAJOR sugar and carb cravings.

Here is to a good day tomorrow.

Off to a good start

Well, this morning I have avoided the cupcakes sitting on the counter that we made last night. I started the morning with a yummy omelet. I didn't work out yet, but my girls have swim lessons tonight and what a great time to work out. ;) It is 11:00 am and I am hoping to keep the day going just as it started.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 1: The start of the journey

I have been thinking about this for a while now. I felt I wanted to create a blog where I can come out here and just write about my journey towards getting healthy and thinner again. I will keep it fairly anonymous as I am not really ready for people to know who I am. This may change, but for now, You won't see many names. ;) Who knows if anyone will even read this blog or not. If you are here, thanks for taking the time to read. Perhaps my journey can inspire you, or even better, perhaps yours will inspire me.

I am a mother of three girls and I have been married for just over 13 years to one of the most wonderful people in the world. My entire life I have struggled with my weight. I have NEVER been thin, and I mean NEVER. I believe I came out of the womb with an addiction to food that just has never stopped.

I live in the shadow of my skinny younger sister that is beautiful and everyone falls all over. She can get into a size 2 without even trying. I hate that! I have gotten my weight as low as 158 two times since getting married, but sadly, I never stayed there long. Today, I weighed in at 189. I am just 11 pounds away from 200. The most I have ever weighed is 195, but that was the day I gave birth. It is horrifying to me that I should be this close and I am not even pregnant, nor have I been for over 3 years.

So what methods have I tried? Well, mostly, I have done things on my own. When we lived in the DC area I worked out at a great gym and had a wonderful trainer. I cannot afford to do that now and I have been on my own ever since. Also, when we moved to Ohio I had just had a baby, became a work at home mom and only just recently joined a gym. But it has been nearly 3 years since I have had a gym membership. I have tried the South Beach Diet and was actually quite successful with that. However, this time around I have not been able to deprive myself of carbs and sugar. I think that is because I now work out of my home and I have full access to my kitchen, and sadly, I usually reach for junk food. I do enjoy working out, but am far better at doing it when I am being held accountable, and that just hasn't happened this time around. I am hoping this blog will help me in that respect.

So what is my plan? Well, I am not sure. I just know that I have just recently had to buy a size 16 pair of jeans and I don't like that at all. I have a closet full of clothes that are size 12 and I really want to get rid of them when they get too big. I don't have any unrealistic ideas here, but I would like to get into a size 10. I am 5'4" and a medium frame. My bone structure would never allow me to wear a size 4 and I think 6 would be pushing it. It would be great to be in a 6, but I would be oh so happy with a 10.

More than the size, I would really like nothing more than to just be healthy. Almost 5 years ago I had a baby, my second, and she was born early due to me developing severe preeclampsia at only 23 weeks. She was only 13 oz when she was born and a tiny 8 1/2" long. I was very sick and of course so was she. She lived for just 2 1/2 days before she passed away in my hands. I became aware of some genetic conditions that predispose me to higher risks of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and other things. I KNOW how important it is for me to be healthy. I just can't seem to get into gear this time around. After her death I was more determined than ever to get healthy and be in good shape so that I might be able to try for another baby. I worked very hard, both physically and with my diet. I was looking pretty good. This is one of those times where I made it to 158 pounds. I felt great! I want to feel like that again!

Week one goals:
  1. I will work out at least 3 times this week for no less than 45 minutes. This is a fairly light goal for the week, but one that I am pretty sure I can accomplish.
  2. I am going to eat only home cooked meals this week. I have been really bad lately about eating out and that is never a good thing.
Week 1 Weight goal:
When I weigh in on Saturday, I will be down 2 pounds. I know it is a bit high, but not for me on the first week of cleaning up the diet. Typically if I do it right, the number will be much higher, but I am shooting for no less than 2 pounds.